There’s nothing like turning a corner in the gently undulating countryside to be surprised by a sudden curving dip – like a caressing the curves of a body, hip, shoulder, belly – it’s very sensual and I can’t help but think in terms of the physical. I find a very personal satisfaction in such discoveries.
Even better on a sunny day. Turn a corner and suddenly dip into a flickering light, driving down the tree-tunnel road and I’m suddenly taken with a strange sense of both travel and stillness at one and the same time. The world becomes a zoetrope, flickering endlessly round and round, an illusion of movement about a still centre.
A kind of paradise, I think, and the feeling lingers long after I’m home…part of me longs to remain there, mesmerized by the gentle flicker of light and shade, a sort of Muybridge sequence that maps the world onto a succession of instants.
String them back together, spin the wheel, roll back down the road…