Tests, experiments and random snippets…
Story Quest vol 1
Norwegian storyteller Heidi Dahlsvein has been running a storymaking challenge on her website for a while now – every week she posts an image, and anyone is invited to respond with a short story. Now she’s put-together the first ten images, and corresponding stories, into a rather lovely e-publication.
[issuu width=420 height=148 embedBackground=%23000000 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=110926193837-6de67ed937a64c3695fbad39231e2542 name=storyquest username=friggragu tag=stories unit=px v=2]
I’ve been a semi-regular contributor – there’s some of my stories in there – and it’s a real pleasure to see someone taking the time to give it all back again.
Archer’s bench expanded
Do Try this at home
Sitting there on the bench in the sun (blog entry here for the full story) I had an idea. Rather than just write about it, why not try and use some of those new social media tools and other web 2.0 fabbyness to share …well to share some sort of experience…of slowing down.
So do please try this at home. Or wherever you happen to be. It’ll only take a minute or two.
Find some headphones, plug them into your laptop, computer or phone. Find a comfortable place to sit.
[soundcloud url=”http://soundcloud.com/allanrdavies/archersbench”]
Click the play button above to hear what it sounds like.
You might want to close your eyes and imagine what it looks like….
Or you might want to explore these :
the view from the bench panorama
a composite of the whole area photosynth
Does this work for you?
Do you have your own Archer’s Bench?
Is there a place for slow-web amongst all the click-through, RT, Like and +1 ?
Please let me know, I’d love to hear from you.